WinWedge Pro 丨 数据采集软件培训 |
班级人数--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号) |
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授课地点及时间 |
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦
开班时间(连续班/晚班/周末班):2020年3月16日 |
课时 |
★查看实验设备详情,请点击此处★ |
质量以及保障 |
☆ 2、在课程结束之后,授课老师会留给学员手机和E-mail,免费提供半年的课程技术支持,以便保证培训后的继续消化;
☆4、合格学员免费颁发相关工程师等资格证书,提升您的职业资质。 |
☆课程大纲☆ |
- EQS是广泛使用的结构方程模型(Structural Equation Modeling)的软件之一,因为它具有容易使用和强有力的特性。用户可以使用EQS绘图工具画一张路径图建立你的模型,并且使用先进的统计方法正确地处理non-normal数据。EQS以便利的数据处理和统计预先处理为特色。
- EQS开发人员之一是由该领域在国际间享负盛名的Peter M. Bentler教授,EQS提供研究人员与统计学家简单建构结构方程模型的理想工具,包含复回归分析、多变量回归、验证性因素分析、结构分析路径分析以及多重母体比较。使用过的EQS的学者一致认同本软件的提供完整且简单操作接口。使用EQS,您可以不用具备任何矩阵代数的知识就可以轻易的操作本软件。
- EQS提供更为精确的统计理论知识以分析实际上非常态分配的数据(事实上实际的数据也非常态分配)。 这些理论包含: Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square, robust standard errors 以及 Yuan-Bentler distribution-free statistics。
- EQS 目前可处理多列相关与多序类相关的类别数据。附加的探索性工具,增强RETEST及WTEST选择, 并且有能力输入权重矩阵。
- EQS 功能如下:
- 01.新的与改善过的常态原则与遗失数据方法
- 使用EQS的理由
- EQS树立了新的标准
- EQS以结合先进性和易用性而着称,使用EQS的新型号绘图工具Diagrammer,使结构方程式建模更加轻松!
- 新的DIAGRAMMER使建模变得容易!
- 只需点击鼠标,您就可以绘制演示质量图表。绘制模型后,从下拉菜单中选择Build EQS,EQS根据图表运行模型。不再需要使用命令语言!当您准备好呈现结果时,只需直接打印图表或剪切并粘贴到您喜欢的文字处理器中进行生产。
- 改进的EQS工作流程
- EQS具有Windows应用程序所需的一切,具有点击功能,可快速访问任何EQS测试。以前必须与其他程序一起完成的数据准备和评估现在可以在EQS中无缝有效的处理。只需将数据直接输入EQS的电子表格编辑器,通过标准格式(dBase,Lotus)导入,或从另一个包中剪切和粘贴数据(原始数据,相关矩阵等)。在电子表格中,用户可以轻松转换变量,编辑数据或执行探索性因子分析,以创建自动模型设置。
- 全面的建模特征EQS测试全范围的结构方程模型,包括多元回归,多元回归,验证性因子分析,结构化均值分析和多种群比较。EQS还包括polyserial和polychoric用于治疗分类数据的相关性,所述Satorra-特勒缩放卡方统计量,增强了RETEST个W测试选项,以及导入权重矩阵的能力。
- 广泛的统计和绘图选项
- EQS将统计分析功能(描述性,t检验,ANOVA,多重和逐步回归等)于数据探索图(散点图,直方图,矩阵图,饼图,多图等)相结合研究人员使用协调的代数以及他们数据的图形视图。从这些视图中获得的见解将帮助用户有效的制定理想模型。无需在不同的软件包之间切换,即可执行各种分析,从而使用户有更多时间专注以他们的模型。
- 全球研究人员的考虑
- EQS目前为心理学,教育,经济学,市场研究,社会学和其他领域的数千名研究人员提供结构方程建模技术。一旦你尝试了EQS,你会发现它为研究人员提供了比任何其他结构方程模型包更容易使用。
- 硬件和软件要求:
- Windows:
- IBM PC386,486,Pentium或兼容机
- 至少8MB的RAM
- 至少5MB的可用磁盘空间
- Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7或Windows 8
- Developed by one of the world's leading authorities on the subject, Dr. Pentler, EQS provides researchers and statisticians with a simple method for conducting the full range of structural equations models including multiple, multivariate regression, confirmatory factor analysis, structured means analysis, path analysis, and multiple population. Users agree that EQS is more complete and much easier to use than other products such as LISREL. With EQS, no knowledge of matrix algebra is reguired!
- EQS handles a wide variety of structural equation models in all types of computer environments. Users can draw a path diagram using EQS' drawing tool to create their model, and use the most advanced statistics to correctly treat non-normal data.
- EQS provides the most accurate known statistics for analysis on data that may not be multivariate normally distributed with the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square, robust standard errors, and the Yuan-Bentler distribution-free statistics. These features are not available in other modeling programs.
- EQS now includes polyserial and polychoric correlations for treating categorical data, additional exploration functions, enhancements to the RETEST and WTEST options, and the ability to import weight matrices. Already known for combining technical sophistication with ease of use, EQS makes structural equations modeling even easier with Diagrammer, EQS' new model drawing tool!
- Make just a few clicks on the mouse and you can draw presentation-quality diagrams. Once your model is drawn, choose Build EQS from the scroll-down menu and EQS runs your model, based on the diagram. When you are ready to present results, simply print the diagram directly or cut and paste into your favorite word processor for final production.
- Improved workflow with EQS Data preparation and eva luation that previously had to be done with other programs is now handled seamlessly and efficiently within EQS. Simply enter data directly into EQS' Spreadsheet Editor, import via standard formats (dBase, Lotus, etc.), or cut and paste data (raw data, correlation matrix, etc.) from another package. In the spreadsheet users can easily transform variables, edit data, or perform exploratory factor analysis to create an automatic model setup.
- Full range of modeling features
EQS tests the full range of structural equations models including multiple regression, multivariate regression, confirmatory factor analysis, structured means analysis and multiple population comparisons.
EQS also includes polyserial and polychoric correlations for treating categorical data, the Satorra-Bentler scaled chi-square statistic, enhancements to the RETEST and WTEST options, and the ability to import weight matrices.
- Extensive statistical and plotting options
EQS combines statistical analysis capabilities (descriptive, t tests, ANOVA, multiple and stepwise regression, etc.) with data exploration plots (scatter plot, histogram, matrix plot, pie chart, multiple plot, etc.) to provide researchers with coordinated algebraic as well as graphical views of their data. Insights gained from these views will help users to efficiently formulate an optimal model. There is no need to switch between different software packages to perform various analyses, allowing users more time to focus on their model.