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  • Oracle Database 11g: Data Guard Administration Rel
    Oracle Database 11g: Data Guard Administration Release 2 (11gR2-DATAGUARD)培训
    1. Introduction to Oracle Data Guard
    Causes of Data Loss
    Oracle Data Guard Architecture
    Types of Standby Databases and Benefits of Each Type
    Using the Data Guard Broker
    Differentiating Standby Databases and Data Guard Broker Configuration
    Data Protection Modes
    Performing Role Transitions
    2. Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using SQL and RMAN Commands
    Preparing the Primary Database
    Creating the Physical Standby Database
    3. Oracle Data Guard Broker
    Oracle Data Guard Broker Features
    Oracle Data Guard Broker Configurations
    Data Guard Monitor Process
    Data Guard Monitor Configuration Files
    Benefits of Using the Data Guard Broker
    Comparing Configuration Management With and Without the Broker
    Using DGMGRL
    4. Creating a Data Guard Broker Configuration
    Data Guard Configuration
    Setting up the Broker Configuration Files
    Setting the DG_BROKER_START Initialization Parameter to TRUE to Start the Data Guard Broker
    Creating the Broker Configuration
    Adding the Standby Database to the Configuration
    5. Creating a Physical Standby Database by Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control
    Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control to Create a Physical Standby Database
    Using the Add Standby Database Wizard
    Verifying a Configuration
    Editing Standby Database Properties
    Viewing the Data Guard Configuration Status
    6. Creating a Logical Standby Database
    Monitoring the Data Guard Configuration by Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control
    Verifying the Configuration
    Viewing Log File Details
    Using Enterprise Manager Data Guard Metrics
    Using the DGMGRL Show Configuration Command to Monitor the Configuration
    Viewing Standby Redo Log Information
    Monitoring Redo Apply
    7. Creating and Managing a Snapshot Standby Database
    Snapshot Standby Database: Architecture
    Converting a Physical Standby Database to a Snapshot Standby Database
    Activating a Snapshot Standby Database: Issues and Cautions
    Viewing Snapshot Standby Database Information
    Converting a Snapshot Standby Database to a Physical Standby Database
    8. Using Oracle Active Data Guard
    Using Real-Time Query
    Enabling and Disabling Real-Time Query
    Enabling Block Change Tracking on a Physical Standby Database
    Creating Fast Incremental Backups
    Monitoring Block Change Tracking
    9. Configuring Data Protection Modes
    Preparing to Create a Logical Standby Database
    Checking for Unsupported Objects, Data Types, and Tables
    Ensuring Unique Row Identifiers
    Creating the Logical Standby Using SQL Commands and Grid Control
    Securing your Logical Standby Database
    10. Performing Role Transitions
    Switchover vs. Failover
    Preparing for a Switchover
    Performing a Switchover using DGMGRL and Enterprise Manager
    Types of Failovers
    Re-enabling Disabled Databases
    11. Using Flashback Database in a Data Guard Configuration
    Flashback Database
    Configuring Flashback Database
    Using Flashback Database Instead of Apply Delay
    Using Flashback Database and Real Time Apply
    Flashback Through Standby Database Role Transitions
    Using Flashback Database After Failover
    12. Enabling Fast-Start Failover
    Installing the Observer Software
    Configuring Fast-Start Failover
    Configuring Automatic Reinstatement of the Primary Database
    Initiating Fast-Start Failover from an Application
    Disabling Fast-Start Failover
    Starting and Stopping the Observer
    Moving the Observer to a New Host
    13. Managing Client Connectivity
    Client Connectivity in a Data Guard Configuration
    Preventing Clients from Connecting to the Wrong Database
    Creating Services for the Data Guard Configuration Databases
    Automating Client Failover in a Data Guard Configuration
    Automating Failover for OCI Clients
    Automating Failover for OLE DB Clients
    Configuring JDBC Clients for Failover
    14. Performing Backup and Recovery Considerations in an Oracle Data Guard Configuration
    Backup and Recovery of a Logical Standby Database
    Using the RMAN Recovery Catalog in a Data Guard Configuration
    Creating the Recovery Catalog
    Registering a Database in the Recovery Catalog
    Configuring Daily Incremental Backups
    Using a Backup to Recover a Data File on the Primary Database
    Recovering a Data File on the Standby Database
    15. Patching and Upgrading Databases in a Data Guard Configuration
    Upgrading an Oracle Data Guard Broker Configuration
    Using SQL Apply to Upgrade the Oracle Database
    Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using SQL Apply
    Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using an Existing Logical Standby Database
    Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Creating a New Logical Standby Database
    Performing a Rolling Upgrade by Using a Physical Standby Database
    16. Monitoring a Data Guard Configuration
    Monitoring the Data Guard Configuration by Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control
    Verifying the Configuration
    Viewing Log File Details
    Using Enterprise Manager Data Guard Metrics
    Using the DGMGRL SHOW CONFIGURATION Command to Monitor the Configuration
    Viewing Standby Redo Log Information
    Monitoring Redo Apply
    17. Optimizing a Data Guard Configuration
    Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control to Monitor Configuration Performance
    Setting the ReopenSecs and NetTimeout Database Properties
    Compressing Redo Data
    Delaying the Application of Redo Data
    Optimizing SQL Apply
    Adjusting the Number of APPLIER and PREPARER Processes























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