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   班级规模及环境--热线:4008699035 手机:15921673576( 微信同号)
上课地点:【上海】:同济大学(沪西)/新城金郡商务楼(11号线白银路站) 【深圳分部】:电影大厦(地铁一号线大剧院站)/深圳大学成教院 【北京分部】:北京中山学院/福鑫大楼 【南京分部】:金港大厦(和燕路) 【武汉分部】:佳源大厦(高新二路) 【成都分部】:领馆区1号(中和大道) 【沈阳分部】:沈阳理工大学/六宅臻品 【郑州分部】:郑州大学/锦华大厦 【石家庄分部】:河北科技大学/瑞景大厦 【广州分部】:广粮大厦 【西安分部】:协同大厦
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  1. Synopsys SystemVerilog验证培训
    第一阶段 SystemVerilog Assertions培训
    * Introduction to assertions
    * SVA checker library
    * Use Model and debug flow using DVE
    * Basic SVA constructs
    * Temporal behavior, Data Consistency
    * Coverage, Coding Guidelines
  3. 第二阶段 SystemVerilog Testbench
  4. Overview
  5. In this intensive, three-day course, you will learn the key features and benefits of the SystemVerilog testbench language and its use in VCS.
    This course is a hands-on workshop that reinforces the verification concepts taught in lecture through a series of labs. At the end of this class, students should have the skills required to write an object-oriented SystemVerilog testbench to verify a device under test with coverage-driven constrained-random stimulus using VCS.
    Students will first learn how to develop an interface between the SystemVerilog test program and the Device Under Test (DUT). Next the workshop will explain how the intuitive object-oriented technology in SystemVerilog testbench can simplify verification problems. Randomization of data is covered to show how different scenarios for testing may be created. This course concludes with an in-depth discussion of functional coverage including a uniform, measurable definition of functionality and the SystemVerilog constructs that allow you to assess the percentage of functionality covered, both dynamically and through the use of generated reports.
    To reinforce the lecture and accelerate mastery of the material, each student will complete a challenging test suite for real-world, system-based design.
    At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
    Build a SystemVerilog verification environment
    Define testbench components using object-oriented programing.
    Develop a stimulus generator to create constrained random test stimulus
    Develop device driver routines to drive DUT input with stimulus from generator
    Develop device monitor routines to sample DUT output
    Develop self-check routines to verify correctness of DUT output
    Abstract DUT stimulus as data objects
    Execute device drivers, monitors and self-checking routines concurrently
    Communicate among concurrent routines using events, semaphores and mailboxes
    Develop functional coverage to measure completeness of test
    Use SystemVerilog Packages
    Course Outline
    Uunit 1
    The Device Under Test
    SystemVerilog Verification Environment
    SystemVerilog Testbench Language Basics
    Driving and Sampling DUT Signals
    Uunit 2
    Managing Concurrency in SystemVerilog
    Object Oriented Programming: Encapsulation
    Object Oriented Programming: Randomization
    Uunit 3
    Object Oriented Programming: Inheritance
    Inter-Thread Communications
    Functional Coverage
    SystemVerilog UVM preview
  6. 第三阶段 Synopsys SystemVerilog VMM培训
  7. SystemVerilog Verification Using VMM Methodology
    In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to develop a VMM SystemVerilog test environment structure which can implement a number of different test cases with minimal modification. Within this VMM environment structure, you will develop stimulus factories, check and coverage callbacks, message loggers, transactor managers, and data flow managers. Once the VMM environment has been created, you will learn how to easily add extensions for more test cases.
    After completing the course, you should have developed the skills to write a coverage-driven random stimulus based VMM testbench that is robust, re-useable and scaleable.
    At the end of the course you should be able to:
    Develop an VMM environment class in SystemVerilog
    Implement and manage message loggers for printing to terminal or file
    Build a random stimulus generation factory
    Build and manage stimulus transaction channels
    Build and manage stimulus transactors
    Implement checkers using VMM callback methods
    Implement functional coverage using VMM callback methods
    Unit 1
    SystemVerilog class inheritance review
    VMM Environment
    Message Service
    Data model
    Unit 2
    Stimulus Generator/Factory
    Check & Coverage
    Transactor Implementation
    Data Flow Control
    Scenario Generator
  8. 第四阶段 SystemVerilog Verification using UVM
    In this hands-on workshop, you will learn how to develop a UVM 1.1 SystemVerilog testbench environment which enables efficient testcase development. Within this UVM 1.1 environment, you will develop stimulus sequencer, driver, monitor, scoreboard and functional coverage. Once the UVM 1.1 environment has been created, you will learn how to easily manage and modify the environment for individual testcases.
    At the end of this workshop the student should be able to:
    Develop UVM 1.1 tests
    Implement and manage report messages for printing to terminal or file
    Create random stimulus and sequences
    Build and manage stimulus sequencers, drivers and monitors
    Create configurable agents containing sequencer, driver and monitor for re-use
    Create and manage configurable environments including agents, scoreboards, TLM ports and functional coverage objects
    Implement a collection of testcases each targeting a corner case of interest
    Create an abstraction of DUT registers and manage these registers during test, including functional coverage and self-test
    Audience Profile
    Design or Verification engineers who develop SystemVerilog testbenches using UVM 1.1 base classes.
    To benefit the most from the material presented in this workshop, students should have completed the SystemVerilog Testbench workshop.
    Course Outline
    Unit 1
    SystemVerilog OOP Inheritance Review
    Singleton Class
    Singleton Object
    Proxy Class
    Factory Class
    UVM Overview
    Key Concepts in UVM: Agent, Environment and Tests
    Implement UVM Testbenches for Re-Use across Projects
    Code, Compile and Run UVM Tests
    Inner Workings of UVM Simulation including Phasing
    Implement and Manage User Report Messages
    Modeling Stimulus (Transactions)
    Transaction Property Implementation Guidelines
    Transaction Constraint Guidelines
    Transaction Method Automation Macros
    User Transactiom Method Customization
    Implement Tests to Control Transaction Constraints
    Creating Stimulus Sequences
    Sequence Execution Protocol
    Using UVM Macros to create and manage Stimulus
    Implementing User Sequences
    Implicitly Execute Sequences Through Configuration in Environment
    Explicitly Execute Sequences in Test
    Control Sequences through Configuration
    Unit 2
    Component Configuration and Factory
    Establish and Query Component Parent-Child Relationships
    Set Up Component Virtual SystemVerilog Interfaces with uvm_config_db
    Constructing Components and Transactions with UVM Factory
    Implement Tests to Configure Components
    Implement Tests to Override Components with Modified Behavior
    TLM Communications
    TLM Push, Pull and Fifo Modes
    TLM Analysis Ports
    TLM Pass-Through Ports
    TLM 2.0 Blocking and Non-Blocking Transport Sockets
    DVE Waveform Debugging with Recorded UVM Transactions
    Scoreboard & Coverage
    Implement scoreboard with UVM In-Order Class Comparator
    Implement scoreboard UVM Algorithmic Comparator
    Implement Out-Of-Order Scoreboard
    Implement Configuration/Stimulus/Correctness Coverage
    UVM Callback
    Create User Callback Hooks in Component Methods
    Implement Error Injection with User Defined Callbacks
    Implement Component Functional Coverage with User Defined Callbacks
    Review Default Callbacks in UVM Base Class
    Unit 3
    Virtual Sequence/Sequencer
    Disable Selected Sequencer in Agents through the Sequencer抯 揹efault? Configuration Field
    Implement Virtual Sequence and Sequencer to Manager Sequence Execution within Different Agents
    Implement uvm_event for Synchronization of Execution among Sequences in the Virtual Sequence
    Implement Grab and Ungrab in Sequences for exclusive access to Sequencer
    More on Phasing
    Managing Objections within Component Phases
    Implement Component Phase Drain Time
    Implement Component Phase Domain Synchronization
    Implement User Defined Domain and Phases
    Implement UVM Phase Jumping
    Register Layer Abstraction (RAL)
    DUT Register Configuration Testbench Architecture
    Develop DUT Register Abstration (.ralf) File
    Use ralgen Utility to Create UVM Register Model Class Files
    Create UVM Register Adapter Class
    Develop and Execute Sequences Using UVM Register Models
    Use UVM Built-In Register Tests to Verify DUT Register Operation
    Enable RAL Functional Coverage
    Review UVM Methodology
    Review Run-Time Command Line Debug Switche









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